
Enrich your teaching.
Engage your students.
Enthrall your class.

Flip learning on its head with a ViewBoard digital whiteboard – create and share interactive content that puts students at the center of your class.

Finally a digital whiteboard that teaches the way you do.

As digital content becomes ever more essential to curriculums, ViewBoard goes with your lesson flow, offering a world-class digital whiteboard that works the way you do, as well as the way you will do.

Make working with digital content as simple as learning your ABCs.


Sign in to your classroom content with the flash of a QR code.


Save your lessons and annotations instantly to your classroom cloud drive.


Roam the class and share canvases and content from any device.

Interactive ViewBoard/ MyviewBoard in Ikeja Lagos

White Paper


Gear up for greatness and learn how interactive displays are enhancing in-class learning.

Join the growing band of tech-savvy schools taking student-centered learning to the next level.

Gabytech Media Resource offers an expanding array of resources that help teachers create and deliver interactive content to the flipped classroom.

Interactive ViewBoard/ MyviewBoard in Ikeja Lagos